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There Are Different Types of Liars You May Haven't Heard

Kamis, 06 Apr 2023 16:35 WIB
There Are Different Types of Liars You May Haven't Heard
Ilustrasi berbohong Foto: Unsplash
Jakarta -

It's not possible for someone to never lie at least once in their life. Either the lies are said for kind purposes or lies that may harm others, people do lie to some extent. A lie itself is an intentional false statement made by a person. It's not entirely true that all liars are the same, as some people lie due to tendencies of personality disorder. So, here's a compiled list of the types of liars that you may have heard of or not.

White liars

Among other types of lies, this certain lie is often not considered as a "real lie". People think that telling white lies over here and there can't be harmful and can even be beneficial. White lies are known to be a mix of truth and lies when someone didn't mean to deceive the other party in a negative way.

For example, when you're asked about someone's cooking and you don't want to hurt that person as the cooking doesn't taste too good. Instead of expressing your dislike, you'd rather choose to commend and give them constructive feedback for them to be better in the future with their cooking skill.

Occasional liars

People do lie occasionally, just admit it. You do too, right? This kind of lie is not something to be applauded or accepted as someone who lies occasionally will feel guilty either way right after they state a lie. No need for a confrontation, occasional liars will come out with the truth as they feel genuinely sorry about what they do.

.Ilustrasi pembohong/ Foto: Unsplash

Careless liars

The kind of lie said by careless people is one of a kind. Careless liars have a habit to lie from time to time that they no longer care about morals and ethics. People who tell careless lies are aware of them being dishonest because they don't put that much thought about the lie itself. Facing a careless liar requires you to have the ability to confront them to let them know what exactly they are doing.

However, it's not likely for them to admit and change themselves. You are suggested to walk away from people like this, in order to shield yourself from a lot of stress.

Compulsive liars

People who lie without reason are considered as compulsive liars. However, it's easy for you to realize that these people are lying to your face. Compulsive lies often tell a story that doesn't add up. It's very easy for you to see that they are lying, as they show physical signs when they're lying.

You can see that they avoid eye contact, breaking into sweat and the words that come out from them are mostly random or rambling. Some compulsive liars have a habit of lying out of narcissistic traits, while others lie out of habit. Narcissistic compulsive liars will exaggerate stories to make themselves look great.

.Ilustrasi pembohong/ Foto: Unsplash

Sociopathic liars

Sociopathic liars are ones that you should be really careful about. This type of liar is difficult to recognize and far more dangerous than pathological liars. They lack empathy for others and can lie with a light heart, having no empathy for the loss, grief, or anger of others they deceive.

Usually, this type of liar takes advantage of other people to fulfill their goals. They also will not hesitate to go against morals and manipulate the minds of their victims.

Above are some types of liars that you should be aware of. If you find yourself or other people lying, you should ask for help from a psychiatrist. Don't let the habit of lying ruin your life, relationships with your partner and family, and your professional career.



Dinar Pamugari

A venturesome Gemini, seeing the world through the eyes of astrology and a devoted writer.