Insight | Science

Pets Can Boost Your Brain Health

Kamis, 10 Mar 2022 08:00 WIB
Pets Can Boost Your Brain Health
Ilustrasi hewan peliharaan Foto: Edgar Daniel Hernandes/Pexels
Jakarta -

They say a dog is a man's best friend, and it's an undeniable truth. Not only dogs but most endearing creatures that live and stay with us for a short period or even the rest of our lives with; cats, rabbits, chinchillas, birds, reptiles, you name it. You take care of them by providing a home, delicious treats, and warm cuddles because you cherish their presence and companionship.

It happens to all of us; our face lights up simply when our pets respond to our call or the little smile that creeps to our face whenever they are asking for extra affection. Surely, this affects our mental health as numerous psychologists have explained the psychological benefits of owning pets (e.g. providing sense of purpose, giving comfort, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression).

.Ilustrasi memelihara hewan/ Foto: Mikail Nilov/Pexels

While prior studies have suggested that the human-animal bonds can increase serotonin and dopamine levels, a recent study in February 2022 adds up the health benefits of owning a pet. Published by the American Academy of Neurology, it is stated that long-term pet ownership boosts brain health and may also be protective against cognitive decline.

In the study, 1.369 older adults who had normal cognitive skills are examined, in which 32 percent of participants are long-term pet owners (5 years or more) along with 53 percent who owned pets. The study indicates a slower rate of cognitive score decrease among pet owners, and the difference was most apparent in long-term pet owners with 1.2 points over the six years compared with the rate of decline in non-pet owners. The finding also suggests that its effect was stronger for Black adults, college-educated adults, and men. However, causes and reasonings linked between pet ownership and cognitive function need to be further explored.

.Ilustrasi memelihara anjing/ Foto: Cup of Couple/Pexels

To conclude, the preliminary study showed association in regards to how animal companion increases human physical activity, which provides several benefits for the cognitive function of the brain, such as boosting verbal memory function and delaying memory loss. Underlining this fact, it is not advisable for you to own a pet merely as a therapeutic solution. Because similar to raising children, it requires great responsibility, commitment, and genuine compassion.



Hani Indita

A self-proclaimed connoisseur of movies who munches ice cubes on a daily basis, and a witty writer.