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Busting Myths: Orange Cats

Minggu, 30 Jan 2022 16:00 WIB
Busting Myths: Orange Cats
Foto: Maryviolet/Getty Images
Jakarta -

Talking about cats, we must have that image of a lovely, squishy, huggable creature who only loves to eat and sleep most of the time. It's hard to deny that cats' behavior is most likely to be considered pretty lazy and demanding, moreover when it comes to orange cats. This specific breed is thought and believed to have the most unique traits as most of it has such distinguishing features and behaviors for being lazy and noisy yet, they are the most approachable some other time. Saying that it's just a stereotype shaped by society is somewhat a hard thing to do as most of us, also must have had encounters with some of these orange cats and experienced it ourselves about how different this breed is!

On top of that, these orange cats are becoming quite a stir on social media for having loads of footage-them being themselves that often makes us shake our heads in disbelief and adoration. However, all of these theories about orange cats having distinguishing characteristics if being compared to other breeds brings us to question whether or not there is any scientific reasoning behind it? So, here's compiled some trivia things about orange cats that you may want to know.

The Most Extroverted Cats

This trait is supposed to be the first thing that people may notice immediately. Orange or Tabby cats are known to be the most extroverted cat breed for they are easy to socialize with and are quite affectionate with humans. Different from other cats that we know are introverted, The theory of affectionate tabby cats is stemmed from how they were treated when they were kittens and how humans are drawn to orangey colors for their hues giving them the attraction. Therefore, these orange cats are mostly showered with love when they were little and it somehow affects their growth for being loving, trusting, and friendly. Even though, there is no solid evidence or research about the theory of why tabby cats are extroverted and affectionate towards humans, the more loving the environment is, the more affectionate the cats when they grow up.

Males Outnumber Females

Talking about their gender, tabby cats are ruled by males instead of females. Researchers and veterinarians have not pinpointed the exact factors about this but there's 80 percent of orange tabby cats are male! According to The Purrington Post, the theory for this is that their color happens to come from a sex-linked gene with the X chromosome contributing in orange color. It is also stated that male cats tend to be way more sociable and affectionate with both humans and other cats, whereas female cats are inclined to be more standoffish. So, as result, we tend to encounter playful and active tabby cats around us!

Loves to Talk

As we all have acknowledged that these orange tabby cats are quite the chatter with their meows. Even according to Head Veterinarian at the San Diego Human Society-Gary Weitzman through his book, How to Speak Cat, orange tabby cats are mostly found to be chatters and noisy as their way to communicate and show their affections towards their masters. The noise they often make includes meowing, purring, and distress calls.

There are plausibly many other trivia things about orange tabby cats but these three are most likely the answer to the question of how distinguishable orange cats are in behavioral terms. It can be put to the conclusion that their unique and agile personality is something that has to do with their genes!



Dinar Pamugari

A venturesome Gemini, seeing the world through the eyes of astrology and a devoted writer.