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5 Love Languages: Guide to A Long-lasting Relationship

Senin, 14 Feb 2022 11:00 WIB
5 Love Languages: Guide to A Long-lasting Relationship
Foto: Unsplash JomJakkid, Nick Fefings, Elijah
Jakarta -

The idea of falling in love at first sight, or happily-ever-after ending, is unbelievably still an obsession for people in this very modern age. As one of the most desirable topics, to fall in love with one person from time to time was not as easy as what Hollywood rom-com shows us. The fact is, living a long-lasting relationship requires more lessons to learn and tremendous efforts to pull.

In the realm of love, having a long-lasting relationship would be the highest peak for some lovers. As an effort to reach the top of the hill, good communication and an understanding between partners could be the magical keywords. A happy relationship is built by two satisfied people in the same boat.

In the case of fulfilling partners' satisfaction in a relationship, we need to know about what our most likely things to give and feel. As the talks keep on rolling, nowadays, people keep digging about how to make a relationship last efficiently, from various books, movies, or even shrinks. But now let's talk about The 5 Love Languages, one of the most widely read books about love communications.

Back in 2010, Gary Chapman wrote about five different love languages. Chapman said that everyone has their dominant love language. Yet, knowing more about the effective way to express and receive affection might lead lovers to a better relationship. So here it is, five love languages by Chapman:

1. Words of Affirmation
This love language contains a lot of written or spoken love expressions. Someone would be pleased if their significant other said "I love you" frequently-not only on a single text message. This typical person prioritizes a compliment in their love life as satisfying stuff.

2. Quality Time
A man or a woman, whose love language is quality time, feels adored when their partner actively sticks together with them. They particularly love a warm gesture and presence as prioritized hallmarks in their relationship.

3. Receiving Gifts
When you feel interested in a gift, Chapman calls it "visual symbols of love." It's not about prices but the symbolic thought behind it. People with this type recognize the value of gift-giving as an honest emotional feeling reflection.

4. Acts of Service
This love language is for a person that always walks the talk. Not just meaningless words but the acts of service that a person values more when their partner does something finished in their way to make the other's life easier. Actions speak louder than words means that a cup of coffee is better than a cheap flirty word.

5. Physical Touch
People that are fond of physical touches desire some affection. They feel appreciated when they are hugged, kissed, or cuddled. They value the feeling of warmth and enjoy a deep emotional connection through physical treatment.

From five different love languages, couples with the same dominant love language might have a quality relationship. But nothing is definite if we talk about human relationships. An ever-lasting love doesn't require the same love languages as its terms and conditions. Even if you have a slightly different love language with your partner, both of you could still work it out if you keep communicating what's best for both of you and trust the process.
After all, the way that love languages could make a relationship long-lasting depends on the couple themselves. Love can be simple and complicated at the same time. Love is not just an expression, nor a story of taking and giving, but deep inside, love is something to live.

[Gambas:Audio CXO]