Inspire | Love & Relationship

200 Words Love Stories: Broken Hope

Jumat, 11 Feb 2022 10:00 WIB
200 Words Love Stories: Broken Hope
Foto: Unsplash Maria Oswalt
Jakarta -

One thing you need to know about Hope Alexander is that she believes in love at first sight more than anything in this world. No grandiose action needed, only a 5 seconds of eye contact and a friendly 'Hello' from a stranger would send her analyzing that first counter in an essay. Her hobby is chanting the line from Taylor Swift's 'Enchanted' like a prayer; please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you.

Talk about holding onto a blind hope- she actually heard that from a million people already. Except for Danisha, her neighbor who would always encourage Hope and her silly little crushes. So, Hope would tell Danisha about his first encounter with a lovely guy who offers her an umbrella at the apartment lobby, or the second that happened this morning when he held out the lift for her.

Hope swears she's going to tell her about the third, as she sees him again by the window of a small quaint. Out of all the days in a week and out of all the weekends in a month, this must be fate, she says to herself as she takes a deep breath and makes her way into the cafe. She took one step.. And two.. But she stops at her third when Danisha shows up on her track. That's when Hope glances back at him, seeing two cups of coffee sitting warm and nicely in front of him. Within those seconds, he snaps his head, throwing a sweet smile that wasn't directed at her. She connected dots on why she always sees him at the apartment. And it was too much for hope.

[Gambas:Audio CXO]



Hani Indita