Inspire | Human Stories

How Santa Claus Go Around The World in a Day

Rabu, 22 Dec 2021 12:42 WIB
How Santa Claus Go Around The World in a Day
Foto: pexel Carpacio
Jakarta -

Tis the season to be jolly! This only means that we're all going to stay late in bed for being overly thrilled about what kind of presents sent by Santa Claus that might be found sitting under the Christmas tree in the morning. According to common knowledge about this bearded-overweight-middle-aged man, Santa is the Person in Charge of delivering gifts on Christmas Day for each well-behaved child in every single household and his existence remains in the hearts of children forever whenever Christmas is near. Everyone who believed in him should just rest assured that he would come sneaking into your house and granting your wish upon the Christmas present you'd like to receive from him.

But have you ever wondered about how Santa does it-delivering Christmas gifts around the world in the span of one night? Considering that he's an elderly man who doesn't take on a plane around the globe but rides only a magic sleigh carried by eight flying reindeer, this all seems beyond the bounds of possibility to do. But if he really does travel and delivers packages all over the world by himself, is it plausible? Or is it against the math of space and time?

If we're talking about theories, Santa Claus travels 510,000,000 kilometers around the globe to make sure that he drops your Christmas gift before you open your eyes in the morning. Due to the different time zones of every region, Santa only has 42 hours to accomplish his mission of fulfilling every one of your wishes upon a ribboned package. Santa's travel route usually starts at the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean then continues to travel west. According to history, Santa hallmarks his starting point in the South Pacific Ocean then New Zealand, Australia, Asia, across to Africa, Canada, United States, Mexico then Central and South America. But you need to keep in mind that the estimation of his arrival is unpredictable since his route can be affected by the weather! If we try to calculate the math of this theory, with approximately 500 million households in the whole world and 42 hours given, Santa has to use a total of 0.0003 microseconds to carry on his mission in one household. That is crazy quick, he must've had the ability to bolt like lightning! JNE is out of the chat room.

[Gambas:Audio CXO]