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Bucketlist: 2022 For You at Home

Kamis, 20 Jan 2022 16:52 WIB
Bucketlist: 2022 For You at Home
Jakarta -

Since the pandemic hasn't gone for good, we're all restricted from regaining our normal life just yet. We all still have to steer clear from being in the middle of crowds or places that might risk our health and affect people around us, it's sickening for our mental health, yet it's the least that we can do to help this world to be a better and safer place. Though we're acutely praying that 2022 will be better--where we're highly suggested to stay home and keep our distance everywhere--the future still seems uncertain. For those of you who have listed several activities as your bucket list in 2022 by going places and doing certain outdoor activities, you may want to have an alternative in case the regulations are stricter than they already are. So, here are some bucket lists for you at home when 2022 is already here.

Learn to Bake Cookies
Don't you feel curious about how those tasty and nicely decorated cookies are made? Instead of spending a certain amount of money to buy them, why don't you spend an hour or two baking them yourself? Some people might have already mastered this one activity, but some of us probably haven't! There are plenty of tutorials and recipes that you can find online to unlock new skills in baking and treat yourself with a jar of toothsome cookies!

Complete a Large Jigsaw Puzzle
Sounding is a bit tiring and boring indeed, but completing a jigsaw puzzle could lead you to a therapeutic activity where your patience and commitment are tempted. Moreover, you can do it whenever your friends are over or to spend quality time with your family at home. Not to mention that you will feel satisfied once you complete the whole puzzle within a short time! You don't have to put a lot of thought into this activity and casually consider this as a way to fill your time instead of scrolling through social media for hours.

Learn Instruments on Your Favorite Songs
New year, new skill. Some people think that learning instruments should be started when you're still young. It's a legit fact, yet there's also a saying, "it's better late than never." Well, in this case, you don't have to learn everything from the basics since you can try to look online to learn instruments on your favorite songs! With will and effort, you can master this one undoubtedly!

Binge-watching TV series
It's no doubt that 2022 will serve you many options on newly released TV series, which you can stream to fill your days and nights at home. Not only limited to new TV series, but you might also want to reminisce about the good old times by re-watching classic iconic TV series such as Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family, Gilmore Girls, and many more. So, cook up your favorite flavor of popcorn and make yourself comfortable under your warmest blanket!

Redecorate Your Room
Are you getting tired of your room layout? Why not try to move some stuff around and redecorate it? Redecorating will take quite an amount of time, depending on the goals of your mission. You can do it by moving your furniture and adding a few ornaments around to amplify the ambiance or do a whole room makeover by changing the color of your walls, replacing your old furniture with new ones, and changing the whole theme to get a new atmosphere!

There you have them, some suggestions to make into your bucket lists. We hope you'll feel more alive by doing these activities even though you have to stay at home.



Dinar Pamugari

A venturesome Gemini, seeing the world through the eyes of astrology and a devoted writer.