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Get to Know: The Difference Between Fixed and Growth Mindset

Selasa, 19 Sep 2023 19:30 WIB
Get to Know: The Difference Between Fixed and Growth Mindset
Foto: Unsplash
Jakarta -

Stanford psychologist and author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck stated in her book that one of the most basic beliefs humans carry about themselves is how they view and consider their personality. Dweck's research demonstrates how our core beliefs, whether we're aware of them or not, significantly impact our desires and our ability to achieve them. Our mindset largely shapes our perception of our personality, driving us forward or hindering us from reaching our full potential.

Carol Dweck's research reveals that one of the most fundamental beliefs we hold about ourselves relates to how we perceive and embrace our personality. Dweck, an expert in human motivation, dedicates her time to understanding why individuals achieve or fall short of success and what factors we can influence to promote success. Her theory of the two mindsets, formed from an early age, has a profound impact on our actions, our approach to success and failure in various aspects of life, be it professional or personal, and ultimately, our ability to experience happiness.

Fixed Mindset

In a "fixed mindset," it is believed that our character, intelligence, and creative capabilities are unchanging and cannot be significantly improved. Success is seen as validation of this inherent intelligence, a comparison of these inherent qualities against an unchanging benchmark. Pursuing success and avoiding failure become strategies to preserve the perception of being intelligent or skilled.

People with this mindset consistently prioritize results over the steps others have taken to get there. As a result, they tend to notice only the successful and appealing aspects but are hesitant to participate in the process. To distinguish between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset more easily, you can look at their key characteristics. For example, those with a fixed mindset often avoid upcoming challenges.

It's not surprising that they often give up on tasks or roles that they perceive as too difficult. They also tend to quit quickly when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, even if they haven't given their best effort yet. Additionally, individuals with this mindset consistently expect recognition for minimal effort. They regularly feel disheartened when they encounter rejection or failure, which hinders their ability to grow personally.

Growth Mindset

Conversely, a "growth mindset" flourishes when faced with challenges and views failure not as proof of a lack of intelligence but as an encouraging opportunity for personal development and expanding our current capabilities.

They highly value the process and are not afraid of failure. When they fail, they see it as a chance to gain new experiences and improve themselves. People like this find motivation in their various experiences in everything they do. Even when they face repeated setbacks, their determination to achieve their goals eventually leads to success.

They believe that their skills and intelligence can keep growing through hard work and persistence. This is why they consistently tap into their inner potential, as they think that anyone can become more brilliant. In line with a growth mindset, they don't avoid challenges; instead, they actively seek them out. Their willingness to grow in challenging situations makes them even more resilient and mentally strong.

When they face tough situations, they become more motivated to conquer them successfully. They consistently welcome new challenges, even if they seem difficult at first because they believe these challenges can be mastered over time.

If they make a mistake, they don't dwell on it; instead, they reflect on it. They firmly believe that talent alone isn't enough, and hard work is crucial for self-improvement. Another key trait is their genuine enthusiasm and happiness for whatever they do. They don't envy others' achievements but find inspiration in them.

For those with a fixed mindset, it's recommended to shift to a growth mindset to promote personal development. This highlights the importance of understanding the difference between these mindsets for one's benefit.



Dinar Pamugari

A venturesome Gemini, seeing the world through the eyes of astrology and a devoted writer.