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Manifestation, Is It Really Working?

Kamis, 24 Feb 2022 13:00 WIB
Manifestation, Is It Really Working?
Foto: Pexels Sirirak Boonruangjak
Jakarta -

By definition   based on the law of attraction of the New Thought spirituality   manifestation is various pseudoscientific self-help practices in the forms of strategies intended to achieve personal goals, primarily by focusing our thoughts upon the desired outcome. Back in 2006, Rhonda Byrne published The Secret, the book that sold 30 million copies globally, and it was the year when the word manifesting gained its popularity. Byrne asserted that positive things "will" happen when you think enough positive thoughts; to embody the feeling that we are already successful, pretty, and in abundance. But is it real? or is it just wishful thinking?

In the law of attraction, our brain has this place called the reticular activating system (RAS), a network of neurons located in the brainstem that access and filter all the data surrounding us. It lets us tune to what we want to zone in, which is usually familiar to us, or maybe what we think about a lot   which manifestation practices around. Manifestation's methods may vary for everyone, which involves: repetitiveness, paying attention, influences, opportunities, energies, and actions   to get the quality of it. People who manifest believe that they will attract people and things with the same frequency to build a better and more efficient life quality and experiences, which annoyingly make sense.

In this digital age, with lots of information intake, freedom of speech, and a more "open" attitude, manifesting is considered the tool for self-care, self-healing, and meditation for one's spiritual journey. Some of it has complicated, rather difficult-to-follow rules, or it can be as you want it to be. For instance, scripting or journaling (for a certain amount a day), doing woo-woo rituals with crystals, tarot, and oils, using angel numbers (1111, 4444) as a sign, practicing witchcraft rituals, or utilizing no tools at all but your dreams.

There is no definite proof that manifesting is 100 percent working, nor otherwise. We're living in an era where some people believe in hard work, and some are born with privileges with the importance of having the best images upfront, so we can't (or don't need to) tell what's real. Manifestation can be a trend that is enjoyable and empowering at the same time or a serious way of living with coaching sessions to find awakening and inner peace. Rhiannon Jones, a psychologist, stated that (manifesting) "could be very dangerous to people who already have anxiety disorders, but potentially, it might even be enough to start those symptoms happening in someone who originally doesn't," which might ruin their existentialism.

Nothing beats a positive vibe, hope, and love mixed together in life. Regardless, the overestimation of the power of thoughts could be dangerous because people need to transform one obstacle at a time. Being grounded, finding balance and harmony with pinches of relaxation or humor, and a little help from friends would certainly do the magic to face the ups and clowns (pun intended) of this so-called life.