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Why We Prefer Black Color?

Rabu, 23 Feb 2022 20:00 WIB
Why We Prefer Black Color?
Ilustrasi warna hitam Foto: No Revison/Unsplash
Jakarta -

Color evokes feeling and ignites emotion. For instance, blue for blues, red inflames passion, yellow sparks joy, and white inflates solitude. When it comes to black, however, it just has its special sentiments. Black can represent mystery, evil, and darkness, but it also reflects elegance, power, and sophistication. Its full spectrum reflections on meanings, make black become the most popular color.

When you see a color wheel, do you notice how black might be out of the picture? Actually, black is not a primary, secondary, or tertiary color. In fact, black is the absorption of all colors as black absorbs all light in the color spectrum. This may be the reason why black goes with everything  it's able to bring out the best or the worst in whatever it surrounds.

My friend loves all things colorful, but when it comes to choosing a color for things she plans to own, black is the answer. This applies to a phone case, a laptop, a tumbler, pants, and many more. Similar to my dad who always prefer black for the color of a car, because, when it is being sold as a secondhand car, the price would be higher than the same car with other bright colors like red or blue.

.Ilustrasi warna hitam/ Foto: Cats Coming/Pexels

As to apparel, black is almost in everyone's closet because it goes well with any color of every clothes you own. I mean, tell me, what colors can't mix well with black? At a fancy event, a black dress or black tuxes oozes sophistication and refinement, and it gives a 'slimmer' effect to the body as well. But black is also used to express our grievings, for example, it is the textbook color in attending a funeral.

It is safe to argue that black is universal and timeless. Even if it's also utilized to express a stark contrast like grief, rebellion, fear, and things that radiates gloom and darkness. Surely, people perceive colors differently. There's a certain emotion we can feel upon seeing a color, which might correlate with our personal preferences, experiences, cultural differences, and our environments. One thing is for sure, the sensation that the color black radiates is powerful in representing various messages.

[Gambas:Audio CXO]



Hani Indita