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2022 Athleisure: 5 Trends to Watch

Kamis, 17 Feb 2022 14:00 WIB
2022 Athleisure: 5 Trends to Watch
Jakarta -

Anything related to health, wellness, and sports has been circling us these past couple of years, especially during the pandemic. Today, it's crucial for us to be healthy and fit, mentally and physically. Because who wants to catch viruses? Let alone infect them. Thus, more and more people are migrating to a healthier lifestyle from becoming a vegan, doing intermittent fasting, starting to go to the gym, yoga camp, pilates, TRX at home, riding a bicycle every day, you name it!

With this magnificent lifestyle transformation, the fashion industry is intrigued. In the last two years, many brands from local and international have been racing to create the best workout attire with all "candies" on the side with personalized preferences to suit any number of sports. Not only that, many people have slipped their daily schedule in with quick online classes or private gym sessions and feel the need to show their #postworkout pictures on social media. So, variations of gym attire are highly needed, and for the stylish kind, putting their sportswear in their #ootd is mandatory  this is where the Athleisure term is born and widely used.

Designing suitable sportswear might look easy, but do you know it's the other way around? In sportswear, the function goes over the form, where some parts of the clothes need to be more durable than the other parts, for instance, areas near joints. It needs to grip firmly but not too tight for you to move freely. But how about Athleisure? Yes, even harder! Because the function equals the form.

Some of the brands at the top of the list include Alo Yoga, Under Armour, Lululemon, Athleta, Girlfriend Collective, and not to forget Nike and Adidas with their constant innovations and collaborations.

Whether you're a gym freak or a newbie, you better watch these five Athleisure trends to follow this year and where to buy them.

1. It's all on the neck!

.2022 Athleisure: It's all in the neck!/ Foto: SHUTERSTOCK

One of the most important and eye-catching parts of your sports bra is the neckline. This year, a multi-fabric composition and variation of necklines will be the highlights for you to avoid looking bland when exercising.

2. Make it ballet

.2022 Athlesiure: Make it ballet/ Foto: Instagram

Layer play is necessary for those who want to attend a quick date before hitting the gym. Inspired by dance and ballet attire, this pretty look with cut-out effects will not only elevate your style but your mood as well.

3. Color Play

.2022 Athleisure: Color Play/ Foto: Instagram

Say bye for a little while to your monochrome gym sets because it's summer, baby! Mix some pastels or vibrant colors with a pinch of patterns. We'll guarantee some freshness to boost your energy at any endurance or agility workouts.

4. Eco Chic

The more mindful and healthier you are, the more conscious you'll be. Many women have preferred to wear eco-friendlier materials simply to feel wholesomely better, and it's comfier and more durable, too!

5. The Add-On

.2022 Athleisure: The Add-On/ Foto: Nike

We all know accessorizing brings some kinds of joy, even though it's unnecessary. To have a complete set of looks from the same brand or collection is the dream every gym-hopper would want to have.

So, get set, and let's push our laziness harder because we're going to slay this year like there's no tomorrow!