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Lockdown Hair Trends

Rabu, 19 Jan 2022 12:02 WIB
Lockdown Hair Trends
Jakarta -

What was our life without TikTok and Instagram during the lockdown era? These two platforms have managed to give us insights about things to do during the lockdown phase back then. From Dalgona coffee to random TikTok challenges, we did all the best we could to keep ourselves sane. There were just so many things happening during the time where we could only indulge ourselves with smartphones and content that TikTok and Instagram had to offer. If you wasted most of your time scrolling through these two platforms, you must have had a glimpse or more of people, mostly women doing their hair at home. It is undeniable that many hair trends have suddenly emerged during this time with the help of these entertainment platforms. Therefore, here we have collected some of the lockdown hair trends that managed to come up to the surface and created a big hit among women.

Peekaboo Hair
For those who have to be seen professionally with natural hair, peekaboo is indeed a good choice to go with as when you let your hair down you'll be seen as a friendly girl next door but when you comb it through or make a movement with it, the crazy blinding color will be noticeable. Peekaboo hair is basically dyeing the underlayer of your hair, hiding it under the natural color of your hair. Celebrities like Charli D'Amelio who has more than 100 million followers (and still counting) and Lisa from Blackpink went through this peekaboo hair phase with bright neon pink as her chosen highlight color.

Colorful Front Streaks
Another session of playing around with bleach powder and colorful dye, girls with blonde or colorful streaks on the bangs must have at least once made it to your FYP page. This 'E-Girl' hair trend, of course, started from TikTok and it somehow just managed to spread worldwide. Even a Korean trendsetter, Kim Jennie from BLACKPINK once had this hairstyle when the group dropped their hit 'How You Like That'. After the sudden change in her hairstyle, this trend hit again!

Curtain Bangs
Everything that was once old will be new again, this happens with curtain bangs. This hairstyle was on the verge of being trendy back in the 60s to 70s yet it came back as a hot trend again. Even top-notch celebrities like Bella Hadid, Elizabeth Olsen, and many others had a moment with this one hair trend. This lockdown hair trend came up to the surface because of TikTok, where a lot of women are trying to achieve these bangs by doing this themselves at home. Some of them managed to achieve it, but some of them failed. However, just because this trend was on the spike in popularity back in the lockdown era, the cut is still on for the new normal era.

Wolf Cut
Again with random DIYs on TikTok and an old trend becoming a hot one, women have also been trying to achieve the wolf cut hairstyle by doing it themselves at home. You'll only know a wolf cut by only seeing it since the fluff is all focused on the crown on the head. Some of the celebrities that managed to rock this one particular crazy-shag haircut are Billie Eilish, Miley Cyrus, Bretman Rock, and so many others. The DIY that is spread all over TikTok is quite crazy since people tried so hard to renew their look yet the circumstances didn't really support that idea. Therefore, if you're interested in getting a wolf cut, you may want to consider going to the professional unless you want to wake the neighbor when you shriek in failure!

So, there you have it. Some of the hair trends on the internet that happened to create a big impact during the lockdown era! Did you perhaps do one of these trends to keep you sane while coping up with the whole stay-at-home regulations?



Dinar Pamugari

A venturesome Gemini, seeing the world through the eyes of astrology and a devoted writer.