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Very Demure, Very Mindful: The New Catchphrase We've Seen Trending on TikTok

Selasa, 20 Aug 2024 07:48 WIB
Very Demure, Very Mindful: The New Catchphrase We've Seen Trending on TikTok
Very Demure, Very Mindful/ Foto: Istimewa
Jakarta -

Tiktok has always been a platform to make a trend about something. It may come off a bit unhinged at first, but once it blows up, everyone could be talking about it and jumping into the bandwagon willingly. Lately, the keyword "demure" has become the talk of the town-thanks to Jools Lebron, the content creator behind the catchphrase.

But, what does the word demure actually mean and how does one behave demurely?

According to Merriam Webster, the word demure serves meaning as "affectedly modest," "reserved," or "serious." In the nearly seven centuries, the word demure has been utilized regularly. However, the meaning has been shifted slightly. It began solely as a descriptive term for people who are quiet and reserved-those who don't draw attention to themselves because of their shy nature-demure now came to be applied to those whose modesty and reservation is more affectation than sincere expression.

With Merriam Webster's explanation, it could be concluded one is considered to behave demurely when they don't talk that much, have shy demeanor and have no will to gain attention from people around them. However, how demure is described on the trend lately seems to have different aims.

How demure behavior became a trend on Tiktok

The demure trend started from a content creator Jools Lebron who posted a video showcasing her professional makeup look in early August. "See how I do my makeup for work? Very demure, very mindful. I don't do too much. I'm very mindful while I'm at work. See how I look? Very presentable. A lot of you girls go to the interview, looking like Marge Simpson and go to the job looking like Patty and Selma, not demure," she stated in the video.

In her interview with CBS Mornings, she said that she was working as a cashier and posting a Tiktok video from her car and never imagined that her videos would go viral and the catchphrase would be trending on the said platform. She started her demure themed content on how she would go with a more natural look on her first day at a new job after initially doing dramatic makeup at a previous job.

"I don't come to work with a green cut-crease, I don't look like a clown when I go to work. I don't do too much, I'm very mindful at work. See how I look very presentable? The way I came to the interview is the way I go to the job. A lot of you girls go to the interview looking like Marge Simpson and go to the job looking like Patty and Selma." she continued.

The word demure is indeed not the kind of word or term that people use on a daily basis, but it has existed and been used many times before it hit the trend, even on pop culture.

A 1998 Disney animation production-Mulan-used the word demure in one scene, where Mulan was in the middle of preparing an agenda arranged by her family to meet a matchmaker to demonstrate her fitness as a future wife. She said, "Quiet and demure, graceful and polite." During the meeting, Mulan was forced to showcase the social standard of becoming a woman, where she should not talk back when not asked, be reserved, and be graceful in order to bring honor to her family.

Another example can also be seen on Netflix TikTok account that shared a short clip from 2000s series Gilmore Girls where Rory visited her grandparents and was asked about what kind of drink she wanted. She gracefully answered, "Just club soda." The Gilmore family who was depicted as wealthy and reserved favored Rory's answer that they considered her as demure.

From the example above, you may now understand what does the word "demure" actually mean. From my perspective, demure has always been inclined to describe a woman's behavior. We all know that being a woman brings so much expectation from society and being demure is one of them.

However, as a content creator who brought demure to its popularity in 2024, Jools Lebron believes that demure has different meanings for everyone. Yet she believed that being demure is being mindful and considerate of the people around and how you present yourself to the world. Following her interview with CBS Mornings, she remains committed to promoting a positive message and encouraging others to find their own meaning in being demure.



Dinar Pamugari

A venturesome Gemini, seeing the world through the eyes of astrology and a devoted writer.