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Being Attracted to Antagonist Characters is Normal, Here's Why

Selasa, 21 May 2024 16:30 WIB
Being Attracted to Antagonist Characters is Normal, Here's Why
Foto: Marvel Studios
Jakarta -

Have you ever been more drawn to the villain than the hero in a movie? Spending my weekend binge watching Marvel movies recently got me conflicted, as I found myself yearning for more screen time for the villains rather than the protagonists—namely Bucky Barnes, Loki, and Erik Lehnsherr or Magneto in the X-Men series. I have to admit that I was a huge sucker for Slytherin's jock Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter universe to the point that I sought comfort from fanfictions to fulfill what I didn't get enough of in the actual movies. This weekend made me wonder why I'm always more drawn to villains, finding them more interesting than the heroes.

Why are we attracted to villains?

To start off, we gotta admit that these villains are portrayed by some conventionally hot, charismatic men. Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, and Michael Fassbender are unequivocally attractive men with defined jawlines and strong eyes. These men are great actors that their characters become showstoppers. It's not difficult to see why women couldn't take their eyes off these men when they appear on screen, if we're accounting for their physical features.

Besides their physical attractiveness, villains often become fan favorites because their backstories are usually underdeveloped and overshadowed by the heroes'. Empathy plays a significant role in making these villains more relatable and approachable. Almost every villain has a tragic past, making them seem like victims of their circumstances. This victimization shapes them into darker characters with unsettling personalities, leading to the creation of their villain persona. Our empathy makes us want to understand their pain and, at times, even justify their actions based on what they've endured.

Villains are often depicted as calculated, bold, and ambitious individuals. Surprisingly, these traits are more realistic than those of the heroes. Many villains are seen as victims who have endured significant hardships, such as losing their previous "normal" lives, being abandoned by loved ones, and they just want to seek revenge against those who wronged them. If you were in their shoes, wouldn't you want to hurt back those who hurt you?

Another key point is that many villains are outcasts. Society has pushed them away, and most people dislike them. Despite this, they manage to make their mark on the world. In real life, outcasts are usually powerless, but these villains prove otherwise, showing great resilience and strength. They challenge the idea that being an outcast means being weak. To succeed in a world that hates you takes a lot of brilliance and determination, and that's what makes these villains so fascinating and admirable to the audience.

Finally, it's worth noting that many villains possess a devil-may-care attitude. This reckless approach may harm anyone who stands in their way as they chase their desires, but it also makes their lifestyle quite captivating. They embody a level of freedom that everyone craves. Villains live on their terms, unburdened by concern for how their actions impact others. This type of attitude is evident in characters like Magneto from X-Men and Loki. They operate with a boldness and disregard for societal norms that many people find fascinating. Their freedom to live without boundaries, guided solely by their ambitions, adds to their allure and makes them intriguing figures in their respective stories. There are undeniably aspects to their characters in which we see our reflections, yet there's a distinction in admiring their more positive qualities and their whole outlook. Beyond skin deep, try to identify why you're drawn to a certain antagonist and look for what you can adapt from their character. Who says that liking an antagonist can't be positive?



Dinar Pamugari

A venturesome Gemini, seeing the world through the eyes of astrology and a devoted writer.