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Fictional Female Characters That Scream Feminism

Kamis, 10 Mar 2022 10:00 WIB
Fictional Female Characters That Scream Feminism
Fictional Female Characters That Scream Feminism Foto: berbagai sumber
Jakarta -

In the celebration of International Women's Day, we should give a token of appreciation for these fictional female characters who motivate and empower all the women out there with their distinctive ways. Watching them vocalize what women want and how they should be treated, somehow helps to shape society's views on women to a greater extent. So, here's compiled some of my favorite fictional female characters who scream feminism loudly and proudly.

Rachel Green of Friends

Rachel GreenRachel Green/ Foto: NBCU Photo Bank

Starting as a spoiled daddy's little girl whose life revolved around her daddy's credit card, Rachel's character development to an independent working woman shifted our perception of theblonde girl stereotype to a hard-working woman. She climbed up fromwaitressing in a localcafe to a senior buyer at Ralph Lauren. Her character promoted female independence and without shame broke the taboo of discussing sex and female pleasure. Throughout the ten seasons, she also educated men on how to treat women decently.

Josephine March of Little Women

Jo MarchJo March/ Foto: Little Women Movie

Raised in a family that was dominated by women, Jo March didn't care about the gender standards that were valued by society at that time, instead, she was embarrassed by people's depiction of women at that time. She refused to be trapped in marriage and chose to be armed with pen, ink, paper, and words as her weapon to break the stereotype of women her age. She left Massachusetts to be a writer with her independent, stubborn, persistent, and intelligent nature, even though she got rejected by publishers back and forth.

Elle Woods of Legally Blonde

Elle WoodsElle Woods/ Foto: Alamy Stock Photo

Again with the breaking women stereotype, Elle Woods was portrayed as a woman who embodied the color pink. With her tiny purse dog and determination to chase her ex-boyfriend, she gradually became a feminist icon who fought for justice and society's stereotype of the dumbblonde. It is widely known that women who get respect from the media are mostly the strong ones who can fight, that being feminine is deemed as weakness. Elle Woods proved it all wrong that all women can be powerful even in glittery pink and femininity.

Daenerys Targaryen of Game of Thrones

Danaerys TargaryenDanaerys Targaryen/ Foto: Alamy Stock Photo

"DaenerysStormborn of HouseTargaryen, the First of Her Name, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons." Her title is just as powerful as her will to fight for her rights. Danaerys lived her life dominated and dictated by men and grew stronger to fight for what she thought was right for her and her people. Although at the end of the season the table was turned that she became a raging villain for burning down the whole King's Landing, her journey to sit on the throne can be seen as a model for female liberation.

There you have them, my favorite female characters who inspire and empower me as a fellow woman in this era. Countless fictional female characters break stereotypes and fight for equal rights, which one is your favorite?

[Gambas:Audio CXO]